
When the classroom door opened everybody went silent...

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When the classroom door opened everybody went silent. I was trying to sleep because the lesson was boring and I didn’t sleep last night then I saw very strong light from the door. Trying to understand what it was, I prod my friend who sets near to me. She was very scared. She said, she had never seen anything like this before. She didn’t know what to say. I took us fifteen minutes, when it went out. We took a deep breath when we saw some yellow-green and brown people walking to us. We wanted to understand them speaking, but they were using some strange language. It didn’t seen to be fine. We decided to escape, but it was to late. All class scare lake we but nobody can’t say anything. These creatures caught us and didn’t let us go anywhere. We were really afraid of the future, so we had heard so many things about THEM. Maybe they do not eat people, but who knows what they can do...? We tried to be calm. We didn’t want to make them ugly. I thing they noticed our behavior and were not interested in hurting us anyhow. Their "security" lasted over 10 minutes, but I think it could have been much less.
After this time we saw in this same place as teacher who looked like he didn’t know what it was going on. So we didn’t tell about this him and we were never talking about this story.

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