
When the classroom opened...

poleca 86% 102 głosów


When the classroom opened, everybody went silent. Headmaster entered the class with a police officer. Everybody knew why they came to our class. Everything did one hour ago when Zdzisiu from our class had sprayed tear gas. He did because we would write a math test. I tried to avoid it. I told him that it was a stupid idea. He aked me if I had had any better idea, while was thinking of better solution, he started to spray the gas. After a while everyone started to cough and choke. Then Zdzisu realised that I was a really stupid idea. He started to panic. I had ordered him to open all windows in the hall and gone out. Unfortunately he sprayed to many gas, and whole school were evacuated. We spent 30 minutes on the fresh air. We had to wait when the gas would gone. After 30 minutes we came back to our classes. As we wanted we didn’t have a math test, but weren’t happy of this situation. A next lesson was geography. Then headmaster came with policeofficer. Headmaster was very nervous. Policeofficer had asked us if we knew something about tear gas. Nobody even raised head. We were sitting in silent when Zdzisiu stand up and said that he had spraied the gas. He went to headmaster’s office. We were afraid of Zdzisiek because he could be expeled from school. Fortunately he only had to came with parents to our headmaster.

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