
Second conditional (drugi okres warunkowy)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2021-11-15
poleca 85% 2096 głosów


Drugi okres warunkowy używamy, kiedy mówimy o wydarzeniach nierealnych, mało prawdopodobnych lub kiedy udzielamy rad.

1. Zdanie podrzędne - Past Simple (II forma czasownika)
2. Zdanie nadrzędne - Future in the past (would/wouldn't)

Kilka przykładów
1. If I had some free time, I would go to the cinema.
2. If I didn't have a bike, I would go to my school earlier than in a half an hour.
3. If I had the money, I would go to the South Africa.
4. If he could drive, he would buy a car.
5. If I were you, I would buy a DVD player.
6. I would be so happy, if I won some money on the lottery.
7. If you trained harder, you would get into the team.

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