
TV - a blessing or a curse

poleca 85% 183 głosów


Nowadays more and more people watch TV for a long time. While I believe that TV is a blessing and gives us lot of information, I am strongly opposed to these phenomenon and I think that TV is a curse.
Firstly, TV gives us lot of information from all the world. We can know what happened in the furthest parts of the world. Thanks to TV, we can get information about politics, sports or entertaining events. We can see an up-to-the-minute report with the most important events, for example with Eurovision Contest.
Furthermore, we can get information about the natural world from TV. We can see strange kinds of plants or animals. We can see amazing and wonderful places, for example mountains or beaches.
On the other hand, TV steals our free time. Instead of doing some sports and exercises, we watch TV. We sit in our houses opposite the screen instead of going outside and taking some fresh air. It has a bad influence on our health.
Furthermore, TV has a bad influence on our sight. If we sit opposite the screen for a long time, our sight is tired. It makes that it can become worse and worse. It can drive us to lose the sight.
Moreover, on TV there are lots of bad and brutal films. It can have a bad influence on kids` psyche. They can learn some aggressive habits, because they often follow film`s heros.
In conclusion, I feel that TV is a curse, because it has a bad influence on our health and psyche. But we can`t forget that partially TV is also a blessing.

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