
A world is a global village. Do you agree and why?

poleca 86% 103 głosów


Global village is a term introduced by sure writer, who in his book describes how mass medias break every cultural and linguistic barriers. Is world a global village? I think that yes.
First of all the free transfer of modern technologies speeds up development and must of us raising level of education. We must learn more, learn basic of foreign languages to understand for example instructions of use some machines (of everyday use) imported from different countries.
Moreover, globalization eliminate great wars. Also, it makes difficult life of regimes dictatorial. Through the satellites situated over Earth, information runs around world with speed of own thoughts.
Besides, the state of environment will probably improve. We will get this due to new, friendly environment and energy-saving technologies. Until now, equipments used by, instance, farmers to work considerably facilitated it, but they influenced on environment unfavorably.
On the other hand globalization has many disadvantages. For example it develops organized guided crime, corruption all over the world. It make possible across modern technologies without defects.
Another dangerous threat is squeezing out cultures and national traditions by mass culture: all over the world people wear jeans or eat fast foods, which come from United States.
In conclusion the world is a global village which has advantages as well as disadvantages. Unfortunately, we, grey men, haven't influence on globalization and we have to comply with laws today's world - global village. However we should try to adopt only these good examples, omitted for these bad, what not at all easy.

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