

poleca 85% 189 głosów


ABOUT- o; około
This book is about travels.
It’s about 4 o’clock.

AFTER- po; za
Come after the film.
Run after him

AMONG- pomiędzy
You are among friends.

AT- o; w; na
Come here at 8 a.m.
They are at the cinema.
At the bus stop.

BEFORE- przed
I never sleep before dinner.

There is nobody behind us.

BETWEEN- pomiedzy
There is a cinema between the two house.

BY- przy; nad; przez
Please, sit by me.
His house is by the river.
I like novels by Dickens.

DOWN- w dół
You must swim down river.

DURING- podczas
She was abroad during the war.

FOR- dla; na; przez
They money is for you.
Wait for me.
He was in London for 2 years.

FROM- z; od
Where is the train from Leeds?
This is a letter from Tom.

IN- w
In may.

OF- o
What’s his opinion of the Cher?

OFF- ze; od-; wy-;
Her pen rolled off the table.
You must cut it off.
Switch off the light.

ON- na; w
There is a carpet on the floor.
On Sunday.

OVER- nad; przez
There is a lamp over the table.
We must jump over the fence.

TO- do; na; za
I want to go to London.
I want to go to university.
It is ten to five.

UNDER- pod
The dog is under the chair.

WITH- ze
They live with their parents.

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