
Being the prime minister- nenefits and drawbacks

poleca 85% 107 głosów


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the Prime Minister? The Prime Minister is the most senior minister of cabinet in the government in a parliamentary system. Playing such an important role due to being the head of government and the chairman of the cabinet, we need to take into account benefits and drawbacks connected with it.
One major advantage of being the Prime Minister is the salary. Earning such a big amount of money is proportional to the involvement and risk, which is taken. Secondly, it gives fame and respectability among people, makes such a person the important icon in the politics as almost all the decisions are made or approved by the Prime Minister.
However, there are also many disadvantages while playing such an important role in the country. First of all, the price of power is lack of time for private life mostly because of many business trips and a lot of paperwork. In addition, the Prime Minister makes plenty of important decisions, takes a risk, which can make bad effects on the career and health. What is more, everything must be done due to the rules and all adverse moves are on that person’s responsibility.
To conclude, being the Prime Minister has its bad and good sides. The risk is strongly connected with it, but benefits and abilities open up new horizons and that kind of job is the desire for almost each young politician.

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