I agree with the opinion: "The more we have, the more we want". People can`t aprichate what they have, and they always want more and more... It`s usually the matter of materuial goods and usuall jealousy. We are jealous when somebody has a better car or a bigger hause. For example: A young, rich man had a beautiful hause with a big garden, a fast car and a lot of money. Once he went to the casino, he had bet a small amount of money and he was lucky. He got into gambiling. He was betting larger and larger and larger amounts of money. Unfortunatly his luck left him and he started to lose. He got into debts and he didn`t have any money to pay them back. He lost him hause and his car. Suddenly he lost everything. Then he finally apprichiated what he had had. I think we whuould be happy withe what we have and we should leran to aprrichiate it.