
Do you think technology and media have made cultures around the world more similar? How?

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If we could just turn back to the times of the Greatest, and even smaller emperors we could notice, that they have tried to change countries they had had conquered on their resemblance at any price. It related not only to so subtle things as art, clothes whether religion, but also to these most important, saying about national identities of every man, so such as: language and customs. This type of behaviours have been practiced for ages. Alexander Macedonian, Caesar, Karol Great whether more present Hitler and Stalin believed, that not only the territorial conquest of country counts, but entire rooting out from his citizens their own culture. Nowadays such interventions runs in more sensitive manner.
By trying to make general contact with all world more easy we destroy works of our ancestors on own wish. I don’t mean learning other languages or desire of taking some knowledge about the world, but unnecessary assimilation and introduction to our culture foreign habits. Did anyone twenty years ago think, that we are going to commemorate Halloween or St. Valentines Day? I don’t think so! So what happened that we do?

I think that we should try to find the answer for this question in spreading communication technique. In day of internet and cell phones we can easily forget about borders. If we know English we can travel almost all over the world, and don’t be afraid that we don’t know the mother language of country we want to visit. We can eat our national food in restaurant and even celebrate our holidays and no one will cut our head of. It it’s only the first part of medal. Unfortunately there is the second one, which says about squeezing out our national tradition for international culture of fast – foods and supermarkets. Why do we think that everything what we see in television or other media should be the paragon for us? Why we don’t appreciate our multiage tradition and substitute her considerably younger? I think, that media have a really big influence for it, but source of this problem is modern person, who want to live faster and faster. We think only about our future, not past, because we don’t have time for this. Tradition is only useless baggage for us, so we shouldn’t be surprised that mass media don’t advertise it.
Finishing I’d like to say, that if we can’t protect our culture by own, no one will do this for us.

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