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Malarka epoki renesansu

Język polski

Sofonisba Anguissola i Oscar Claude Monet - biografia

Sofonisba Anguissola (ur. ok. 1532 w Cremonie - zm. 1625 w Palermo) - włoska malarka-portrecistka epoki Renesansu. Pochodziła z arystokratycznego rodu i podobnie jak jej liczne rodzeństwo posiadała uzdolnienia artystyczne. Jej talent został...

Język angielski

Oscar Wilde - short biography

Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 in Dublin in Ireland. He went to university at Trinity College Dublin and Oxford. He moved to London. As young man, Oscar was brilliant and eccentric, with his long hair

Język angielski

Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde)

Our topic for this essay is to evavaluate Oscar Wilde's think which sounds:' Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing'. I will apply convince to this think. In my

Język polski

Oscar Wilde "Portret Doriana Graya" - recenzja.

zjawiska znajdujemy w encyklopedii, gdzie czytamy: ? Oscar Wilde był biseksualistą. Jak sam mówił kultywował pederastię na wzór starożytnych Greków. Miał on kilku kochanków, Roberta Rossa i Alfreda

Język angielski

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Finegal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born In 1854 in Dublin and died in 1900 in Paris. He was son of well-known surgeon sir William and a poet Jane. In his first stages of education he was

Teoria literatury

Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde as the brightest example of aestheticism

Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde as the brightest example of aestheticism Introduction Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde (1854-1900) –is the most famous English writer, the author of poetry, fairy