
Letter to the editor. Government telling people how to live their lives.

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Dear Sir or Madame

I am writing with reference to the article on the government's feeling that it is its job to tell people how to live their lives published in one of your latest issues.

To start with, I don't think the government is interfering in every aspect of our lives. On the contrary, I think that some regulations imposed by the authorities are necessary. For example the case of motorcyclists and whether they should wear helmets or not, it is completely harmless for other users of the roads, on the other hand, not wearing seat belts in a car during a crash, may not only be deadly for the not secured one but also by the uncontrollable movement of body he can break the necks of those secured.

As far as smoking is considered, I feel that ban on it in some areas is quite required. Doesn't it seem like making smoking section in a restaurant is like making peeing section in a swimming pool? I don't even want to envisage myself swimming in such a place. It follows from this that the freedom and comfort of the non-smokers shouldn't be limited by those who smoke and in any case should they be forced to inhale this carcinogenic smoke.

I hope you will not take amiss what I am going to say but because of that we live in a free and democratic country it's everybody's freedom to die, if they want to. And however I disapprove of committing suicide I do also think that if one really desires to die in no case can they, by their actions, put other people' lives at risk.

To sum up, as well as I agree that government shouldn't tell people how to live their lives I do also think that some regulations should be imposed to protect those wishing to lead happy lives from reckless people not taking into consideration the threat that they are themselves. I am looking forward to seeing my letter published in one of the next issues of your newspaper.


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