
Pros and cons of using technology at home

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2022-07-04
poleca 85% 870 głosów


The level of nowadays civilization is connected with chronic technology development. The number of new inventions and useful gadgets is increasing in breathtaking speed. The fact of the matter is that human of 21st century would not imagine his life without as simple thing as washing machine or computer.

The most obvious argument saying in favour is fact, that technology makes our life easier. Preparing dish makes no problem any longer and we do not have to worry about dishes or clothes. What is more, thanks to it we can stay keep in touch with our friends or family by using phone. In addition, safety matters cannot be passed over. Alarms and complex security systems makes our houses unfriendly for burglars, so we can sleep calmness.

However, there are some drawbacks too. Chronic having our work done by machines can lead to laziness and inability to handling without them. In addiction, situation likes this can be even dangerous for us. The TV or computers addicted are nothing unusual nowadays, and it is not less harmful than alcohol or drugs. Last but not least, excess of electronic devices in our houses can have damaging impact on human health. Appliances like TV set or microwave emits some kind of waves, which are unfriendly for human body.

All things considered, it seems that technology is inseparable part of our life, and the matter if we would use it properly depends on us only.

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