
Women's place is at home.

poleca 85% 184 głosów


Today’s world of fierce competition is associated with the rise of feminism. In recent years traditional marriage, both in law and in practice, typically involved male leadership. In our society there is in existance a stereotype of women bringing up children and consequently resigning from work for some years. In my opinion, it departs from the truth.

To begin with, since the beginning of time, motherhood has been looked upon as a joy and an honor. Mothers are greatly responsible for molding the minds of their offspring. It is often alleged, that motherhood is a burden during women’s developping career, nevertheless a good number of them are still able to reconcile one with another.

Moreover, women have now more control over their life. They are staying single longer, choosing not to marry or even buying a house on their own. Today’s women are highly ambitious, either restructuring their work life or leaving an established career to start their own business in order to have more time and flexibility.

However, it is popularly believed that the roll of motherhood must be encouraged, strengthened, and preserved. A typical woman is perceived as an homebody, which approves a great number of men , at the same time a man perceived as a breadwinner who takes care of everything.

In short, women’s position was always associated with home. However, to my mind, it is high time to realise that the world is constantly changing and we must get accustomed to the fact, that women aim at economic independence.

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