
What influence does TV have on people young?

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I. The idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision goes back to 1875. But it wasn’t until 1926 that a Scottish engineer turned the idea into a practical reality. John Baird produced the first television pictures just eight years after the First World War. They were in black and white. In 1936 Britain’s first regular TV programme went on the air. US television boomed in the late 1940s. Americans developed a colour TV as early as 1951. In the 60s and 70s television started to satisfy the public desire, not just for entertainment, but also for rapid, accurate information.

II. Television influences people of my age group positively and negatively. In some cases, TV programmes are good. In some other cases, they are bad. Young people spend a lot of time in front of the TV and this could influence them nagatively:

· Too much violence on TV causes the increase in juvenile crime and breakdown of mark values in society.

· Exessive TV watching may result in sleeplessness, passieve attiude towards life, shallow thinking and gullibility.

· TV has produced the generation of the TV nerd ond couch potatoes. They are people who are addicated to chain TV watching. They just have eyes glued to the TV.

· Too much TV may have a negative effect on your health. It can damage your sight making your eyes irritaded. Too long sitting in front of the telly generally distracts from sports and keeping fit, which brings about various ailments such as heart diseases and overweight.

There are also good points of TV:

· Some programs educate young people, for example: National Geographic, Discovery Planet and other educational programmes broaden your mind.

· News broadcasts provide viewers with current information from the world.

· TV gives good entertainment. It may be a way of spendig your free time choosing programmes of your interests.

· Original English or German films develop the knowladge of foraign languages.

III. Summarising, on the one hand television is an enormous source of information for contenporary people. On the other hand, however, it may do a lot of harm.

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