
Crime Story - Mystery can’t be solved

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It was night. The wind was blowing and there was huge downpour. Four hooded men are going slowly along the narrow path. Dark clouds were gathering over their heads. It was really dark. They lighted up the way with fire flares. One of them held rifle. Rest of them had big knifes. Suddenly first man stopped and looked at big house on the top of the hill. ‘We are close’ - he said mysteriously.

It was house of Mr. Rowley. He was very rich and mean old man. He has got big fortune. Nobody in a poor village liked him.
Hooded men walked about 500 meters and they came to the fence of this house.
When one of them opened the gate a big dog attacked him. The animal instantly fell down dead on the ground with big knife in his neck. They came into home and went up stairs. They opened the door of the bedroom. There was old man on sleeping a bed, it was Mr. Rowley. Suddenly the rifle shot and his blood stained the white bedding. ‘We should do it before’ –said man who shot. Murderers started to look for the treasure. Out of sadden one of them shout like a psycho ‘Here it is! Ahaha Here!’

Another guys appeared quickly and they saw big wooden box with gold and jewellery inside. ‘Eventually people in our village will normally live, and have something to eat’ –said one of them. ‘But anybody can’t know about what happened here. Mystery can’t be solved ’.

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