
Zadanie maturalne maj '07 - napisz opowiadanie "Crime doesn't pay" - zbrodnia nie popłaca - ktorego sprawca został złapany na gorącym uczynku

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The night was dark, and there was a noticeable sense of mystery in that darkness. It was quite late, and Mary knew she shouldn't return home so late. She said goodbye to Jane, who was her best friend, and walked down the street. Scarcely had she walked 20 meters, when she noted a broken window in a clothes shop she had used to like. Not thinking much, she decided to call the police, who claimed that it would be there within 5 minutes.
While Mary was waiting impatiently for the police on the other side of the empty street, she saw a criminal running away from the shop. "Stop! Now!" she shouted, but the burglar didn't seem to care about her. So fast was he running, that he didn't notice a big brick that was lying on the edge of the messy pavement and fell over. He flipped and bumped just in front of the police car, which had just arrived. It didn't take the policemen long to capture and handcuff him.
Mary gently approached the police car, as she was absolutely curious about the reason of the extraordinary burglary. She decided to ask the man about it, and he retorted, that he just had wanted to do his girlfriend a favour by stealing some gorgeous clothes for her upcoming birthday. Tired of a night shift policemen quickly inserted him into the police car and escorted to the HQ.
Unfortunately, it turned out that the only gift the burglar managed to give his girlfriend in that situation was an opportunity to visit him in jail. Crime doesn't pay!

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