
My vision of the XXI century

poleca 89% 101 głosów


What is my vision about the future? Well, it is really hard to say anything, because we do not know the future, we can only imagine, or predict,but everybody is afraid about future, about how he life will be. We can only be sure about one thing - that we will die.
Well my first expectations is medicine. Nowadays there are many illnesses, for which we have already found the cure. But there are many illnesses left. Professors invents more and more cures but maybe in the future would be more laboratories which would have better equipment. People would work and they would find new cures for illness, which nowadays are incurable.
Today traveling is getting more and more popular. People are earning more and they can go for a holiday abroad. So maybe in the future people would have enough money to go for a trip on moon, or maybe other palnts. They will go for a picnic to Mars? Well it is my dream, but maybe our technology increase and my dreams come true, who know?
The thing,which makes me afraid of is pollution. People do not care about nature. We contaminate the place where we live, woods, enviroment. For example some companies dump the sewage directly into rivers or sea. Watter is very polluted, and for this reason some countries don’t have enough safe drinking water. For me it is tragicall situation, and what will be in the future? We would have to buy this precious liquid for money to survive? Everything near us will be polluted, so how will we live?
The last thing i am afraid of is a (zagrozenie wojna nuklearna) Nowadays amount of a nuclear bomb is very high, it can destroy our earth ten times. And i am afraid, that a crazy man, will have control, and he will atact other countries and we will all die.

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