
Is school a necessary evil?

poleca 85% 188 głosów


Expression “necessary evil” is commonly understood as something unpleasant, harmful and sth that we would willingly get rid of . But is it felicitous word if it goes on duty of atteding school?? Is it so bad to go there? Does it require so much sacrifice and effort to manage to survive this few hours in the torture chamber? Is it worth? And does it give us any profits???

Lots of pupils would give anything to avoid this sad obligation, but almost the same numer realize that without school our life would be incomplite and devoided of many important experiences.

Since the first years of school we learn how to live, how to behave in embarrasing and hopeless situations, how to take control under the stress and overcome fears... As 7-8- year old children we face up to simple problems such as undone homework or friend “stealing” our toys, but step by step we grow up to defeat more and more difficult obstacles.

School is the place where we make our first friendships, fall in love, learn how to distinguish right and wrong and make right decisions. Lessons well guided by pupil-friendly teachers can easily help us to develop our interests, talents and encourage even less capable student to deepen his knowlage. Attending classes we became open-minded, stately citizens not just a man in the street. Cooperating with peers arouses competativeness, self-confidence and team spirit which are useful skills in future, adult life.

On the other hand sometimes school life is really cruel.

It’s 6. o’clock in the morning when the alarm clock goes off and the terrible sounds forces you to crawl out of warm bed and back to hard reality. It’s not that bad when it’s spring and it’s bright outside the window and the birds are singing and the sun is shining but when you wake up in the middle of winter and despite the fact that it’s morning it’s still dark out there you don’t have even the smallest will to start day, and then, lot of us cry “SCHOOL? NOT AGAIN! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?”

What’s more this “evil” is especially burdensome when you want to go out in the afternoon but you can’t cause you have got full of homework to do. Also ununderstanding teachers are problematic...they are convinced that subject they teach is the most interesting and most important of all and pupils got nothing better to do but study and study it. Fortunately these are rare cases.

As far as I’m concerned opinion that “school is a necessary evil” is partly right. I completly agree that it’s necessary , but doubt that it’ an evil, cause what would the world look like without institutions broadening our minds?? Would future generations be withdrawing intellectually??

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