
Young people should keave their homes at the age of 18.

poleca 88% 103 głosów


In my opinion there is an age when every young person should leave his or her home and decide to start a new life. It can be a sad thing for those parents who have good relatons with their children. They must be prepared for such an event. It is a normal thing that one cannot live with parents for the whole life.Parents mustnt make their child stay at home when their son ior daughter is under 18. From the legal point of view people at this age are no longer under their parents protection and they can do whatever they want.

Nowadays, many people at this age choose staying at old sweet home even if they have chance to live apart from mum und dad. I thinh that in most of cases people at this age arent mature enough to lead an independent life. These days young people think much about their future and they go to universities to get qualifications , which are useful when it comes to finding a well-paid job.So I think that as long as it is possible such people should accept their parents help if they offer it. If it is not a great problem for the family to support their 18- year old child why dont they do that? In fact , it depends much on the person s character if he or she is self-dependent enough to live away from parents.

To sum up, I think that young people should start their own lives quite early, but I dont agree with those who think it must happen when we turn 19.

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