
My flat and my family

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I live in a flat, which has four rooms. I like my home, I think it’s cosy. I’ve been living here for eleven years and I’m used to that flat. One year ago I lived with my whole family but my siblings have gone to study and I live only with my Mum and Dad. I get on well with them, we try to talk a lot. My parents work in a shop so they come back late and I have to do nearly all houseworks. I clean and vacuum the floors, wash up, iron, dust furniture and of course I have to tidy up my own room. It looks like I don’t do anything except tidy up but it isn’t like that. I don’t have to do laundry and shopping because my Mum does these things.

I sometimes cook but I only do this because I like making the contrived dishes.
We haven’t had any problems since my sibling went away. But of course, like a normal family, we sometimes argue. Those quarrels are not about watching TV because I don’t like spending my free time in front of the television. Going out? I don’t think so. When I want to return home then I return.

My parents sometimes get back late and then I’m irritating.
When I want some money and they say “no” I understand that, and won’t ask anymore. My parents see wahat I do at home and what marks I have. Maybe because of those reasons they are so tolerate.

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