We know that people at the age of 18 usually start of new, adult life. In Poland somebody who is 18 years old can enjoy certain rights: he or she can buy alcohol, gets married without parents agreement. However young people don’t know everything about dangers in nowadays world. Our parents, our easy life in a family home ,teaches us how to survive alone in the adult life.
Young people think that they are free and they can do everything what they want. They quickly leave home where they spent childhood, usually without money and set up a family. Very often they can’t continue education because they haven’t money to pay for studies. In that case they must find a job and start collecting income, they have to make decision on how to manage their money. I want to set up a family when I will have a great job and when my children will have one’s existence secured. I would like to take from my home to the adult life responsibility.
Young people quickly suffer influence of environment: they join bad groups and they start taking drugs because their group is more important than just about anything, and taking drugs to them is part of their group. They do it because it is cool, because it is hip. The same is with smoking and alcohol. My childhood teaches me that each day 3000 kids begin to smoke, and of those 3000 about 1000 will go on to die from a smoking illness and this is the most important public health problem. I would like to take from my home to the adult life this warning and independence.
Young people have hopes, dreams on future life but they don’t see violence, injustice and discrimination on the world. Another problem is the generation gap. The younger and older generation can’t communicate for years. This problems which are difficulties in the relationships with parents is such serious problem as use of alcohol, smoke cigaretts, a refusal to go to school, running away from home or sometimes even crimes. I would like to take from my home to the adult life patience my parents tolerance because I think that problem at the generation gap could be smaller if children will try to understand that parents want to their children as best they can and if parents will be more tolerant for these days.
Now I’m still forming my character. I’m not adult. I want to be the same like my mother: self-controlled, resourceful, wise and believer in hope and God.