
Cloning - danger or salvation? (rozprawka)

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Cloning – danger or salvation?

Cloning is the process of producing genetically identical organisms. Scientists devised methods of cloning many plant and animal species. They try to clone a human being. It arouses a lot of interests, but also controversies.
To start Catholics think that it is unethical. Cloning seems to be messing with God’s powers. In most of countries researching of cloning people is banned. Secondly scientists have no idea of the long-term effects of genetic engineering. We do not know if it is worth taking a risk. We can not imagine what can be negative results in the future. Moreover if cloning people was possible, clones would probably suffer from genetic illnesses. So in medical aspect it should be banned, because the most important rule in medicine is "First, do no harm.".
Although cloning can be used to increase amount of endangered species. Animals which are critically endangered species from the fault of the man, like saiga would have a chance to survive. It could also give a possibility to recreate species that have become extinct, like dodo. In addition people with fatal diseases would get a new organ without long waiting for donor or risk of rejection. Furthermore cloning would be alternative to breeding. It would solve infertile couple’s problem or let ill person be parent.
Finally I think that it is hard to decide if cloning should be used or stopped. There are many more arguments for and against. Cloning brings us new perspectives, but we can not forget about risk.

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