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The story

Unforgettable story Many years ago in a lonely cottage on a small Scottish island was living a girl called Susana. Sometimes she experienced something strange and frightening. One night, as she was lying in bed listening to the wind and rain, she thought she...


Letter of application

Dear Mrs Hunter, I am writing to apply for the position of schoolteacher which was advertised in the Daily News, May 12th 2005. I am 24 years old. I have graduated from Jagielloński University in 1999 and I got M.A in English philology. In the year 2002 I...


The Locked Door

Every summer I used to go for holidays to my aunt Jane. She lived in a huge, old, wooden house which stood lonely on a high hill. In order to get there you have to defeat winding road. The house looked quite uninhabitable and were in a terrible condition. Aunt Jane...


Cars enslave us rather then liberate us ’ Do you agree? opinion essay

Everybody knows that cars are very important in our life. We can not imagine how people could live without this invention many years ago. A lot of families, in all countries, have their own cars nowadays, they help us in daily life. Our life become easier since the...


Zabiły aby żyć.

\"Zabiły aby żyć\" Dlaczego kobieta zabija swojego oprawcę zamiast wcześniej od niego odejść, i czy powinna trafić za to na lata do więzienia? Odpowiedź na to pytanie pozostawiam państwa indywidualnej ocenie. Aby naświetlić skalę problemu przytoczę...


Historia Integracji Europejskiej - Narodziny integracji europejskiej

Historia Integracji Europejskiej - Narodziny integracji europejskiej MONARCHIA KAROLA WIELKIEGO . IDEE, STRUKTURY, FUNKCJE. Następcą Pepina Krótkiego był Karol Wielki, który był dziedzicem posiadłości swego ojca. Objął on władzę w 768r. POLITYKA K.WIELKIEGO...



Paraphrases 1. Some people treat their dogs very cruelly. Some dogs___________________________________________________________. 2. This container id light. You can lift it easily. ___________________________ is light ________________________________. 3. I have...


Poszczególne etapy rozwoju dziecka

Charakterystyka dziecka w wieku wczesnoszkolnym w oparciu o literaturę Okres nauczania zintegrowanego ma szczególne znaczenie w kształtowaniu się człowieka dorosłego, jego kondycji fizycznej, samopoczucia psychicznego i osiągnięć życiowych. Jest to okres...


Letter of complain

XYZ Manager ul. Żwirka i Muchomorka 45-300 Kraków 29.03.2006 Company address Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the behavior of yours employees, who parks their cars at our supermarket parking area, for about 2...


Opinion Essay

Opinion Essay. As is usually known, parents plans children’s future for ages. Not only did they consider that children can’t choose appropriately what is good enough for them, but also children must come up to their expectations. The parents can guide their...


Opinion Essay “Was it right for her to have a love affair with her husband’s friend?”

“Was it right for her to have a love affair with her husband’s friend?” All women know, at some level, that cheating is wrong. From the earliest age, we are taught the virtues of monogamy. On the other hand men claim that they cheat because they have to. Many of...


Aplicatoin letter

XYZ Mrs Hunter 29.10.2005 Address of company Dear Mrs Hunter, I am writing to apply for...


Rodzaje umów o pracę

Rodzaje umów o pracę Umowa o pracę jest czynnością prawną, obejmującą zgodne oświadczenia woli pracownika i pracodawcy. Pracownik zobowiązuje się do świadczenia pracy oznaczonego rodzaju, w określonym miejscu i czasie, a pracodawca - do zapłaty wynagrodzenia. Każda...



Początki filozofii w starożytnej Grecji. W starożytności filozofia utożsamiana była z wiedzą, której źródłem jest ciekawość, zdziwienie światem oraz wątpienie. Inspiracją dla filozofii była także świadomość nieśmiertelności, skłaniającej do pytania o sens życia....



The 2003 Acadamy Award for Best Picture went to the musical ‘Chicago’. I recently watched this movie and, I must say, I was impressed. It is not surprising that it won so many Oscars, including Best Costume and Best Supporting Actress. Directed by Rob Marshall, the...


News report

Three bank robbers killed The Westside Bank on Main Street was broken into early Monday morning. The robbers had stolen 9 million zlotych and after a chase through the North Warsaw they were shot dead by police marksmen. The whole incident began just before 9...


My best friend

I know Lilly since 1989, when we first met in a local crèche and since then we are still the best of friends. Physically, Lilly looks like a little girl and nobody would say she is 20. She is short height and have a good figure. Her oval face is framed by a mass...