
Letter from friends

poleca 85% 157 głosów


Wlasnie wróciłas/eś z wakacji.napisz list do kolegiw którym :
*poinformujesz go/ją w jakim regionie spedziłeś/aś wakacje i gdzie mieszkalas
*opiszesz szczógne atrakcje regionu i w jakich okolicznościach ich doświadczyłaś/eś
*wspomnij jak spedziłaś czas i jak przebiegał wieczór pożegnalny
*zapewnisz ze wyślesz fotki z wakacji zaraz po ich wywołaniu i pozdrowisz znajomego.

Zaznaczam, że jest to list typu maturalnego o określonym limicie słów :130-150

Dear Mark,

I?m writing to you, because I want to tell you about my holidays.
In this summer I was in beautiful place in mountains on Souther Polad. It is very hight in the mountains but it was worth coming there. You can?t to drive a car there. We had to clumb all the time. We slept in small,sweet hostel. It was a great experience. The conditions were very good. We woke up very early and we went to Mountain to, a hike.We were chosing only light and well-marked routes whit guide. The beauty of the mountain landscape, and the contact with nature make undoubtedly our holidays on usualy experience.The last evening we spend in front of fireplace.We sang and pleyed guitar. I?ll send you photos when they are ready.
That?s all for now. See you Soon !
Your, XYZ

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