
High culture and pop culture

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CULTURE generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. It includes codes of manners, dress, language and religion.
Culture is manifested in music, literature, lifestyle, food, painting and sculpture, theater and film. Although some scholars identify culture in terms of consumption and consumer goods as in high culture, low culture.

In practice, culture refers to elite activities such as museum-caliber art and classical music, and the word cultured described people who know about, and take part in these activities. These are often called "high culture" to distinguish it from mass culture or popular culture.

Popular culture are things that are popular, well-liked or common. This is often defined or determined by the mass media.
It includes cooking, fashion, sports, film and literature. Items of popular culture most typically appeal to a broad spectrum of the public.
The earliest use of "popular" in English was during the fifteenth century in law and politics, meaning "low", "base", "vulgar", and "of the common people" 'til the late eighteenth century by which time it began to mean "widespread" and gain in positive connotation.

Popular culture changes constantly and occurs uniquely in place and time. Certain currents
of pop culture may originate from a subculture.

A subculture is a group of people with a culture which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong.
There are some literature, movie, game subcultures, like : Tolkien fans, Otaku ? anime fans, Gamers ? computer and video games fans, Historic restorers subculture etc.
And a lot of subcultures based on the music genre, for instance
Goths, Rappers, Indies, Rastafarians, Ravers (rave- music similar to techno), Punks, Black Metallers, Skinheads, Emos ? emo music fans.

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