
Dirt is a problem!

poleca 85% 107 głosów


Dirt of air is huge problem at present. Most harmful substances are produced because of people and they are caused by smokes from chimneys of houses as well as factories. Considerable dirts are also caused by cars. Dangerous are dusts, which lead to damages or diseases of eyes, skins, inflammations of upper respiratory roads, tumours etc. Large quantity of smoke causes cloudiness in the air in large cities skies and small quantity of necessary sun to normal and healthy life. This situation cause development of bacterium, resistance of people diminishes on contagions. Harmful gases cause not only cough, pains of heads, disorders of blood - circulation, but also poisonings. Huge quantity of dioxide of carbon causes rise of temperature of the ground and warmth effect.

The most harmful results of dirt air:
- warmth effect,
- acid rains,
- diminishing layers of ozone,
- worsening of quality foods,
- dirt of soils and waters.

It is impossible to eliminate access of poisonous substance to environment, but we can try to do that pollution will be fewer. One should do everything was is possible to create more and more greenness on most dirtied areas. We need more trees in towns and more woods everywhere. We have to take care about parks, which they are called lungs of cities. Politiks of states should support agricultures, farmlands, cultivated fields and limitation cut out of forests. Very important thing is organize of planting small trees. When is less vegetation we`re breathing dioxide of carbon instead oxygen.
We need to cause to our water will be clear again. In some larger cities in Poland you cannot drinking uncooked water. If we won`t improve the situation, we will live less years and we will be ill all the time on new diseases. So we should to do everything what we can to help ourself and future generations.

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