
Oriental dish.

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Dish, which I would like to propose is typical oriental dish originally from China. Making occupies about 1 hour and 30 minutes. First one should prepare breast from chicken, bananas, cabbage pekińską, flour of potato -, pineapple from downs, glair, soya- sauce, piece of root of ginger ( ginger in powder), glass of vodka, orange juice, salt, pepper and oil. We must cut meat into slices, sprinkle it with soya sauce and vodka, then blend it and put away on hour. In lap time one should peel bananas and to cut it in slices and pineapples in small parts. Next on frying pan we warm oil, we put cut root of ginger and we fry it lightly. We take meat out from bays , mix it with glair and strew with potato - flour. We fry it, constantly mixing, about 3-4 minutes. Later we fry bananas, pineapple and cabbage ( every separately) and we shift all these components to rondelka. We season to the taste with pepper, salt and with orange juice. We heat it up lightly. Now almost everything is done, so we arrange all the components of the dish on the plate, adorning with slices of orange or other tropical fruits. To the separate
bowl we put rice, it can be also decorated with fruits or green leaves. As it is an oriental dish one should consume it by using sticks. Of course it will not be a sin to use cutlery, but when we resolve to do on preparation of such a non-typical dish we should also do sth, so that the atmosphere and the way of eating should be different than our every day habits. If on the supper we invite guests a very nice element will be a preparation of interior decorations of table, so that our friends just on the beginning of the visit perceived, that sth really splendid waits for them. Colours red and golden, small statuettes representing eastern pagan gods, and also scent of incenses will give back typical mood of chinese culture. One should not of course forget about candles, and also if it is an evening supper for two quiet music in background is indespensiable. Of course it should be national Chinese or Japanese music. Such an evening will not be forgotten.

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