
What we hate in opposite sex? (man)

poleca 86% 103 głosów


As a kid we aren’t interest in opposite sex. We treat boys and girls in the same way, as friends. When we are growing up, many times we feel disgusted of male sex behavior. There’re many factors and characteristics I dislike in guys.
Firstly I hate when a man is unshaven, have moustache and prickly beard. He cannot have huge belly and baggy garish clothes. I only expect clean and neatly dressed guy.
Secondly I detest little and innocent mother’s boys who think that their mother is saintly and they cannot live without her.
As well I also hate very muscled blokes with brilliantine on their head. They cannot live without a gym, exercises and empty fridge because they have to eat all the time to not to loose their weight. They have to go to solarium twice a week and they think they look beautiful and that every girl will fall in love with them.
Moreover I hate when man is arrogant, insincere (nieszczery) and he think his the smartest person in the world and he never make mistakes. Guys are very self-assured and many times they want to do well before their friends so they degrade woman. I cannot stand when men is vulgar, he spit on the street and smoke and drink too much.
As a result we can see that our opposite sex has many disadvantages, also like the female sex, but with some of them we have to reconcile (pogodzić się) because I think we cannot live without our imperfect men.

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