
Mobile phones for teenagers: yes or no

poleca 85% 484 głosów


More and more teenagers have mobile phones, although, not all of them really need them. Mobile phones have their good and bad points. In my opinion, a mobile phone can be useful and harmless if you can limit yourself in using it. Teenagers shouldn't spend a lot of their spare time with it and must think about it costs.

One advantage of having a mobile phone is that your parents and friends can always find you, when they need it, whereas without a mobile phone it is sometimes impossible. In my opinion, parents buy mobile phones for their children for safety. For example, when they are going out in the evening, parents are more calm because if something happens to their children, they most probably will know about it. What is more, mobile phones save our time.

Although, in some situations mobile phones are convenient, they also have disadvantages. A very important thing in deciding to have a mobile phone is it costs. Our parents always pay the costs of mobile phones and as a result we don't save their money and don't limit ourselves in using them and it can be the reason for conflicts between children and their parents. I think that mobile phones make children lazy and sometimes we spend too much of our time with them.

In my opinion, mobile phones are sometimes really neccessary but we should learn to control ourselves and it's not good when teenagers can't imagine their life without a mobile phone.

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