
Country/place I'm going to visit one day

poleca 86% 102 głosów


I would love to visit Verona. It's a very romantic place, situated in Italy. It is in the north of Italy. It is famous for Julietta's and Romeo history. In Verona there is Julietta's home with very famous verandah. Near her hause there is Julietta's monument. Every tourist takes a photo near it (it gives good luck). History says that Julietta's standing in verandah was talking to Romeo. They were in love, but they couldn't be together. They were from difrent clans. At the end of the story Julietta and Romeo commited suicide. There is a very big and lovely funeral in Vereona.
in Verona there is a big coloseum, where are played baletplays, byt it is so expensive that a lot of people can't go and see it.
There is a Dante's monument. He was a writes. He wrote "Boska Komedia" and he is known as an Italian language inventor.
It is a very nice ciy. I would like to visit Verona one day.

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