
Easter in Poland

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Easter is preceded(Jest poprzedzony)by forty days of Lent(Post) which starts on Ash Wednesday(sroda popielcowa) The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday(niedziela palmowa) and this day is the beginning of Holy Week(wielki tydzien). Just before Easter there is Good Friday(wielki piatek) which celebrates(tzn.swietowac ale tu bardziej upamietniac) crucifixion of Jesus Christ (ukrzyzowanie Jezusa).
A very interesting custom(zwyczaj) is maintained (jest zachowany) on Saturday when people go to the church in order to (zeby) have their food blessed(to jest taka konstrukcja:have something done-dac komus cos do zrobienia, wiec tu znaczy to doslownie ze ludzie ida do kosciola dac poswiecic jedzenie(consecrate-poswiecic))This tradicional food is above all(przede wszystkim) eggs which are painted (sa malowane)in different colours and patterns (wzory), ham or sausage, bread and piece of Easter cake with raisins (kawalek ciasta swiatecznego z rodzynkami).
The central day of Easter is Easter Sunday.(wielka niedziela) the Christian feast of the Resurrection of Jesus(chrzescijanskie swieto zmartwychstania Jezusa ;feast-swieto)On this day many families gather together (zbieraja sie razem) at breakfast. Generally presents are not given on Easter, (Nie sa dawane na swieta) except for some region of Poland for example Wielkopolska where chocolate eggs and sweats are given (sa dawanea) to children by rabbits (przez zajace). The symbol of Easter are eggs, rabbits and chicks (korczaczki).
The day after Easter is known as Easter Monday(poniedzialek wielkanocny). On this day there ia a custom(jest zwyczaj) of sprinkling water(polewania woda) relatives (krewni)and friends.It is the last day of Easter celebration(swietowania)

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