
Can money buy you happines? For and against essay

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Can money buy you happiness? I think that yes, it can. Of course it can't buy you everything, but it's pretty essential for one's existence. In my opinion you can't lead a bearable life without cash.
All people have their own dreams and goals. Unfortunately some of them can't be achieved without money. If you dream about around-the-world trip, you can't do it without proper sources. The same goes for other goals, like learning to play the guitar or taking karate lessons. Of course there is always self-teaching and kind people willing to help, but in most cases some funds are needed. Speaking of self-improvement, by learning new, intiguing things you become an interesting person and automatically increase your chance of gaining friends and being loved. It's often said that money can't buy true love. It can, only not in a direct way. And once you've your loved ones and want to lead a happy liffe with them you'll need to be healthy. World is a dangerous place and you can never be sure if you don't catch an illness that can be cured only with some expenvise medication or surgery. Besides health, you also need things like water, electricity, food and other things neccesary to survive. You can't have them without money. Without it you can't also study. School materials are pretty expensive right now.
On the other hand, you can lead a happy life with just a small amount of cash needed to survive. Some people find happiness in small things like nice wheater and loyal friends. If you can enjoy every day without fancy things and brand products then you can be happy without big amounts of cash.
To sum up, I think that unless you're one of those unique individuals you can't be happy without money. I think that to lead at least a satisfying life you'll need some funds. And even then money can makee you happier by providing you with things you don't need but want to have.
word count: 334

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