
Schools letting students decide what they want to study - for and against essay

poleca 94% 105 głosów


More and more high schools let their students choose the subjects they want to learn. It's hard to decide if it's a good solution. In this case public reactions are mixed
First of all, we have to say that by letting students pick their classes, we force them to start thinking about their future early. This way they can't just sit around pointlessly, not knowing what they want to do, and then wake up a few days before the maturity exam and realise they don't have any plans. Also, if they choose their classes they become more prepared for the university education, because they can just forget the subjects they don't need and focus more on the ones they're interested in.
However, forcing them to pick what they want too early may result in student's chooseing wrong. They're young and confused, they can often change their minds. Indecision is common at this age. It's also not good to gain knowledge in only a few subjects. It may result in derious lacks of knowledge among students. They schould receive at least a little bit of education in every topic, even when they are almost mature. It's not good to be a math genius while not knowing how to spell correctly.
To sum up, it's hard to decide if letting students choose their subjects is good. In my personal opinion students should develop knowledge in every subject. I think the best solution would be to let them choose in the last year of school, just before the maturiry exam.

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