
The ideal school

poleca 85% 115 głosów


The school is a place where we spend a half of our life.But very often we don’t like going there,we doing it beacause we must.I think it’s time to change it.

In my opinion an ideal school is a place friendly for students and teacher.
Firstly,the teacher should be well qualified and they have to motivate students to learn.They shouldn’t be unjust,beacause it’s discourage everyone.Very important are also relation with student’s parents.The conversation beetwen them should be polite and each side should have great regard for themselves.

School should also improve work conditions in classrooms.Classes should count up twenty persones,about ten boys and ten girls.Lessons go on in clean,nice classrooms.Every pupils has stable workplace,where they can put books,notebooks and the rest.In the undergrounds of the school should be located a small pub where students could buy a breakfast or dinner.It should have proper equipment and facilities.

An idael school should also care for student’s health and organise many sports games.All pupils should have access to gimnastic hall(with showers),swimming pool etc. During breaks,to relax should be install school radio,which inform everyone about current events and all school’s news.

There would be many after-school activities for example dancing lessons or drama club.From time to time there should be organised some discos,trips,competitions beetwen teachers and students.

To sum up this school would be a very nice place to go,students could get on with teachers and they would go there with great pleasure.

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