
Drug addicts are victims, not criminals.

poleca 88% 102 głosów


Despite or maybe because of the fact that drugs are very frequent problem in these days, there are a lot of various opinions about it. The way I see it, is that drug addicts are victims, not criminals.
First of all, drugs are addiction just like alkohol, cigarettes, computer or anything else. If people addicted to computer games aren’t criminals, why should drug addicts be? It just makes no sense to me.
Moreover, drug addiction is a searious illness, what is often forgotten. The prison won’t solve this problem, because penalty doesn’t help this people to come clear. They don’t need shock to fight with this. All they need is a good treatment.
Furthermore, there are some cases in which it just isn’t addicts’ fault. Some people, you can call them stupid, just don’t know what they take. A friend says it’s a cool stuff and they should taste it so they do. We shouldn’t blame or judge them but is should be a warning to us – always check what you take.
Opponents argue that everyone knows what he does. They say drug addicts often steal or even kill just to capture money for drugs. Everyone heard about some cases in which someone was murdered because someone else needed money for example for heroin.
To sum up, drug addicts need our helping hand. Sociaty’s rejection just make them deeper into drugs. We should take care about people who we love to not let them be drugs’ slaves.

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