
Drug trafficking should be punished a life sentence

poleca 86% 102 głosów


In the United Kingdom the law says that drugs class A supplying is punish a life imprisonment. Drugs class A are drugs like cocaine, exstasy, heroin, LSD. This is the highest punishment in the UK. In Poland we have different situation. There is a paradise for drug dealers. The highest punishment come to 8 years. Drug trafficking can be punish only six month. I think polish law is too mild for dealers.
Drugs are available almost everywhere. Every day someone who sells them promises the youth a “joyful adventure”. Many teenagers take drugs to relax and cope with the stress and problems of their lives. They think that taking drugs is the best way-out. However, they don’t realise how dangerous and deceitful it is.
For example cannabis can make you feel relaxed and friendly, and some people giggle. But it has negative effect on internal organs, mainly lungs and damages DNA. It causes dejection. Other drugs like amphetamine are dangerous for many reasons. They lead to depression, unconsciousness or even death. Drugs can cause confusion and frightening hallucinations, unbalanced emotions, serious medical disorders and physical deterioration. They can infect the system leading to sores, jaundice, blood poisoning and even AIDS disease.
Drug-addiction is a problem of the 20th centry. Young people are particularly exposed to this threat. Thet try once or twice a cigarette with narcotic inside, then change to injections, and day by day they become totally dependent on this deadly habit. They hope to find a sense of life, pleasure and happiness in taking drugs, and they don’t even notice how quickly they fall into addiction. Drugs work very destructive and they sometimes lead to death. I think drugs supplying should be punish very severely.

supply – dostarczać
life imprisonment – dożywocie
cocaine – kokaina
exstasy – ekstazy
heroin – heroina
punishment – kara
dealer – diler, handlarz
law – prawo
mild – łagodny
available – dostępny
youth – młodzieniec, młody człowiek
cope (with) –radzić sobie z
realise – uświadamiać sobie
deceitful – oszukańczy
cannabis – marihuana
giggle – chichotać
internal – wewnętrzny
mainly – głównie
lung – płuco
damage – uszkadzać
dejection – przygnębienie
depression - depresja
lead to – prowadzić do
unconsciousness – nieprzytomność
confusion – pomięszanie
frightening – przerażający
hallucination - halucynacja
unbalanced – niezrównoważone
emotion – uczucia. Odczucia
disorder – dolegliwość, zaburzenie
physical – fizyczny
deterioration – wyczerpanie, pogorszenie
infect – zakażać
sore – owrzodzenie
jaundice – żółtaczka
poisoning – zatrucie
disease – choroba
addiction – uzależnienie
particularly – szczególnie
exposed – narażeni
threat – zagrożenie
injection – zastrzyk
dependent – uzależnieni
deadly – śmiercionośny
pleasure – przyjemność
destructive – niszczący
severely - surowo

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