
The hounted house

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It seemed that this afternoon would be as boring and ordinary as usual. It was sunny day in early autumn , on the sky was not any clouds. I strolled lazily through the forest with my doggy Rudolpho which was running after the squirrels. I was listening of the rustle of leaves, when suddenly I noticed that from the big branchy tree put out a little black crop of hair. “What’s that ?”-
I asked myself. Then after it appeared once again and I saw cunning glimming and extremely green cat’s eyes. Unfortunately my Rudolpho also noticed that devil shinning points and certainly it didn’t gazed at the cat long but immediately started to run after it. I had no way out, I was angry because I had to start dashing as well. All the time I was running, I was shouting at my dog but when I realised that I got lost and I saw terrifying huge old wooden house, I stopped yelling and I started to be scared. “What have I done, what have I done !!!”- I thought when I understood that I were in the middle of nowhere, in front of the hounted house. Suddenly I heard creaking and loud bang, the big heavy iron gate closed. “Aaaaaaaaa”- I frantically exclaimed, “Woof, woof”- barking of my dog came from somewhere, “Rudolpho !!! Where are you doggie???!!! Come here!!!”- I called but my companion was not still with me. I saw it on the terrible stairs of the house, with lots of fear I started to run because I had to save my friend. Everywhere was dark and inside the hounted hause I saw hundred of small shinning yellow eyes. I was staying there without movinig and saying anything, I only stared at these light points with open mouth. Then from the darkness get out lots of bats. I was close to having heart attack because of anxiety. Unfortunately it was not end of this story. After that all, when I calmed down a bit I heard squeaking of shoes. I was of course too scared to turned round because I knew that something bad would happened. Just then, I felt somebody’s cold hand on my arm. Rudolpho howled and some owl started hooting. I realised that I had no escape, that is why despite shaking from frightening I turned round to look at face of my prosecutor. I saw ugly very old woman that looked like the witch. “What a lovely dog, is it yours???”- she asked me. At first I did not pay attention to words she said because I was praying that she would not eat my Rudolpho but after some time I realised that she was only poor old woman who lived in that house which was not hounted at all. Luckily the scary story was only an figment of my mind. I apologized a woman that I interrupted her in some works by my shrieks and other funny sounds and behaviours. Then we had very nice coversation and eventually I came back home with the shame of my sometimes odd and a little bit stupid imagination.

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