
Wszystkie czasy angielski

poleca 88% 102 głosów


Present Continuous I am writing a book now.
He is writing a book now.

Present Simple I write books.
He writes books.

Present Perfect I have written a book.
He has written a book.

Present Perfect Continuous I have been writing a book.
He has been writing a book.

Past Simple I wrote a book yesterday.
He wrote a book yesterday.

Past Continuous I was writing a book all day long.
You were writing a book all day long.

Past Perfect I had written a book.
He had written a book.

Past Perfect Continuous I had been writing a book.
He had been writing a book.

Future Simple I will write a book.
He will write a book.

Future Continuous I will be writing a book.
He will be writing a book.

Future Perfect I will have written a book by the end of the week.
He will have written a book by the end of the week.

Future Perfect Continuous I will have been writing a book.
He will have been writing a book.

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