
One day spent in the year 3000 - Jeden dzień spędzony w roku 3000 - Opowiadanie

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I got up at 7 a.m. My new robot NS-5 made bed. I took a bath in a special chamber in which I had only to stand and I was all clean in a minute. After bath I ate my breakfast which contained every dreamed food in one pill. At 8 a.m. I used my teleport to get to work. I worked in a computer company on Mars. I was happy because some of my friends worked in other galaxies so they had a long way to work.
At 10 a.m. I had a break at work so I went for lunch with my colleagues. We decided to eat on the moon. The Moon's Chinese was the best on the whole Milky Way. My friend E.T. loved it, too. At 4 p.m. I ended work and went home. I sat in front of my hologram player and watched some movies. My hologram was not so big. It had only 100 inches. At 7 p.m. I wen to a square-pub on Venus and drank some nuclear fuel. It made me feel stronger and happier. I went back to the house at 10 p.m. NS-5 made supper for me. After eating I took a bath and I had to turn on the force field over my house. I did not want to be robbed.
During the night the force field was on, NS-5 was looking after my house, so I could go to sleep.

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