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My first day in job.

I will never forget that day when I had my first job interview. It was small but renowned company, which I had heard some various, good and bad opinions about. I had been recommended by my close friend Frank from high school, so I couldn't let him down. I had been...


Do we need a role model?

Looking back through the years, it is easy to notice that people always look for someone who thay could follow. Let's consider whether and wky wee need role models. Firstly, authorities play a big role in young people's lifes. Teenagers should have a person who...


Advantages and disadvantages of internet.

In XXI century computers seem to be useful in our lives. Since they were intended in 1948 they have revolutionized millions of people lifes. In Poland computers have been used more and more frequently since the beggining of the 1990s. Computers are having an...


Social problems.

XXI century is full of modernity and wealth, but the more up-to-date is world the more problems are in it. One of those problems is alcohol abuse, which is the greatest Polish weakness and our national vice. Although Polish society seem to be very tolerant towards...



Sport in this time is very important. Nowadays we have many technical machines and we are sitting at home doing nothing. Most famous sports are volleyball, football, ski jumping and basketball. Volleyball is a gmae where two teams separated by a high net hit a...


Men are more interested in sport than woman.

Men are often associated with tin of beers, sitting in front of the TV and watching a football match. Then woman want to switch over to some serial or talk-show. It is generally considered that men are more interested in sport than women. Let's look at the arguments...