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Applying for the scholarship

I am apply for the scholarship on travel to England. I have been learning English for seven years. At first I learnt with my older brother who was in England,also he told me about British culture. I studied English at school and on a language course. I think that...


Complain about new CD player

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with the CD player ( Sony SGh) which I ordered on the Internet from your abroad company last week. I must complain about your product because when I brought it home from the post office and...


Wieliczka Salt MIne

In Poland are many unusual places,which are worth visiting for example the Salt Mine in southern Poland,near Cracov. This place has got rich history. The legend say, that 700 years ago a princes called the Blessed Kinga threw her ring into a salt mine at Marmaros in...


List do przyjaciela z wyjaśnieniami

Hi Peter!! Thank you for your letter and I'm so sorry that I haven't been to you for a long time,but I've just got back from holiday in the USA. I was there about two weeks,so I couldn't write. The USA was an incredible, big country with skycrapers and million...


List do koleżanki w odpowiedzi na jej zapytanie o studniówke

Dear Mary! Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter, but you know that studniowka is very important event and I will agonize it for long time. In connection with your question about studniowka I want...


"Skomplikowana prawda o człowieku-gdzie jej szukac?". Wykorzystaj wnioski z interperetacji załączonych fragmentów "Granicy" i całej powieści Zofii Nałkowskiej

Jeden z utworów Zofii Nałkowskiej, czyli powieśc "Granica", porusza różne tematy miłości, relacji miedzyludzkich, społeczeństwa w biedocie, ale jest rowniez o poznaniu prawdy o człowieku, istocie jakże skopmlikowanej i często niezrozumiałej dla samego siebie....