
Właśnie kupiłeś wymarzone mieszkanie. Twoim pierwszym gościem jest znajomy z Nowego Yorku. Opowiedz mu: -dlaczego chciałeś wyprowadzić sie od rodziców,-jak długo trwały poszukiwania mieszkania, - o problemach w czasie przeprowadzki.

poleca 85% 103 głosów


Hello XYZ. At least I have my own flat. I wasn't able to live longer with parents. I havent got privacy there.I had been looking for a flat for six months before i found one I liked. It was in good location and cheap so I bought it. I had problems with moving here, because my car was broken, so I had to borrow car from my friends, and I had a lot of problems with tapestries on walls , but now everything is ok and Im very happy because I can live alone.

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