
The Problems of the Present Poland

poleca 85% 1171 głosów


In my opinion, the biggest problem in our country is that most of our compatriots do not realize how beautiful and rich Poland is. I've spent a lot of time in a few European countries and now I see that Poland with its' interesting traditions, culture, customs, tasty cuisine is the most fascinating country in the whole Europe. Our Christmas, dumplings and everything we do and say is more passionate, true and spur-of-the-moment. People don't believe they can be happy and wealthy here, in our homeland, but now I know that is not the case of the reality, but of the low self-esteem and the lack of self-confidence. They can change their lives by being more efficient and ambitious.
I think that the great influence on our compatriot?s opinions have promises made by politicians.
Demarcation is still something new here and some people still believe that the new government and president will do more for Poland and ipso facto their life improves. The election comes, people make their choices, and after 6 months or a year they feel cheated. They don't see the real chance for any change, but when something goes wrong they always complain about the government and they should complain about their attitude and about their passive life.

The next problem is an easy access to drugs. Drug use in Poland is increasing and more young people than ever are addicted. Drug dealers are everywhere: at the discos, at schools, in parks and when schoolchild wants drugs, he or she can have it on the spot. Saying that drugs are taken by children from pathological families is a MYTH. Who takes drugs? usual teenagers or adults who are bored take impressive drugs like grass, students before exams - amphetamine and people at techno parties- LSD, which helps them improve their stamina and dance all night long.

Last but not least problems are:

and is caused mainly by industrial waste and acid rain. is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in these water bodies.
About one-third of the total length of Poland?s rivers and one-quarter of the country?s lakes are severely polluted. Rivers that are particularly affected include the Wisła, the Nida, the Wisłoka, and the Bug. In the early 1990s the overwhelming majority of the Polish river water was considered undrinkable. The Baltic Sea is also heavily polluted, mainly by industrial discharges.

Other environmental problems in our country include deforestation and defoliation (destroying leaves) resulting from acid rain. Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. It has harmful effects on the environment. Acid rain is mostly caused by emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds which react in the atmosphere to produce acids. Acid rain was first found in Manchester.

Environment is not mendable (nie da się jej naprawić) so we should be more concious of what we do to Earth, which gives everything essential for us to live.

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