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Nowadays we live at a great pace. This pace caused, that we have adopted a lifestyle filled with a stress. The stress is omniprisent in our life, but it is also inescapable. We are exposed to it at school, in job and at home. It is caused by factors like illness, money deficit, unhappy family life physical deformity or other misfortune which is hard to list here.
Everybody was for once in life in the situation when stress was the dominant factor .Unfortunately, it is scientifically proven that some people are particulary susceptible to the stress. There are especially very ambitious people, driven by a desire to achieve success and an intention to dominate other people. The next group which is easy subject to the stress are people who were mannered in a strict discipline or individuals who were neglected and never really accepted. What is more, people of high standing such as managers, doctors, frequently fall prey to the stress. In most cases they are workaholics or addicted to an adrenalin.
Until now, medicine still have not found any cure for the stress but we all can learn how to cope with it.

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