
Letter to a Buisnesman

poleca 85% 134 głosów


Dear Mr Smith,
I have just read about plans to build a new block of flats on the area of school nr 16. As a headmaster. I have obligation to show all disadwentages of your plans.

You can’t build there block of flats because this area belongs to school and we need it for education of our pupils. You should know that school not only gives knowledge but also some basic psychical training. Children need places where they can free there energy. Playground is useful not only for school but for local society, people understand that recreation for them and their children is very important.

I think that it’s easier for you to find other place for block of flats than for us find a piece of area near school where children can play and do exercise. School is also very important for local society, I think you probably should ask about their opinion. Other way I suppose that you will have problems with local authority. Our housing estate has very few object like that. And we should protect them, other way it wouldn’t be place where it’s nice to live!

Please take this arguments under consideration and change your plans.

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