
Jakie jest największe zagrożenie XXI wieku

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Jakie jest największe naturalne zagrożenie XXI wieku?
Which is the most dangerous issue of XXI century?

No doubt, we have a lot of problems which are due to our civilisation. I mean lack of resources, overpopulation, deforestation, endangered species and global warming.
In my humble opinion global warming is the most dangerous problem.

Global warming is causing a change of world’s climate. Ocean levels are rising and we are seeing extreme water conditions. We need to do something before it’s too late
In my opinion we should care about our enviroment. We should, first of all, make our place enviromently friendly as it really depends on us. It’s true that we don’t have an influence on our politicians but we should do something. I think we ought to reduce the use of aerosols. We can also use alternative sources of energy.

To tell you the truth, I have no hope that people will realized about this problem. It is sad but people slowly destroys our planet.

Mateusz Gralak

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