
Prons 'n' cons being rich and famous (FCE)

poleca 86% 102 głosów


It is obvious that being rich and famous can make our life - in some way - special. Being a rich and famous person must be a great expierence. A feeling inside when we know that most people like us, that our fans want to kiss, touch and hug us. We are a god for them.
Firstly, celebrities have a lot of money, which they earn in a simple way. Also we don't have to worry about our future or our outward appearance.
On the other hand, our wealth and fame make our life stressful. Moreover, it makes people jealous and hateful of us. We also don't have privacy - paparazzi are looking at us all the time.
To sum up, I wish to be a rich and famous person someday. Everybody likes to be in the public eye, I reckon. Most celebrities are famous for what they do and how they behave and also their job brings them pleasure. It's awesome!

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