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When we would ask a group of people what is the most important thing in their life the majority would certainly answer: health. Although the physical health is so important for us we don’t appreciate it. An Italian proverb says: “ Healthy has many wishes, unhealthy only one”. It’s hard not to admit the right to this proverb. When we are healthy we think about many things forgetting about our own health. It changes when we are sick. Then the only thing that really matters is a quick return to health.
There are many things that we should do if we want to be healthy. First of all we have to change our lifestyle and feeding habits. One of the most important things it to cultivate sport. We can play basketball, football, volleyball or any other discipline. It doesn’t really matter what kind of discipline we cultivate. The only thing that matters is that we have fun. The second thing that we have to do is changing our feeding habits. We should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. There are some dishes that we should avoid. The easiest way is to say that it is a group of food which contains a lot of fat. For example beef, fork etc.
When we think about human’s health we can’t forget about few habits that have a bad influence on health. The first of them is smoking cigarettes. It’s scientifically proved that every single cigarette shorts the smoker’s life for five minutes. Besides smoking has bad influence on physical appearance. The skin on the face looks much more older and it’s especially sad when the smoker is a woman. In the end we have to say that smoking causes many serious diseases for example: larynx cancer or lungs cancer.
When we talk about unhealthy habits we can’t forget about drinking alcohol. People who drink alcohol habitual destroy their health.
Our health is our biggest treasure. Let’s care for it because we’ve got only one health and one life. It’s not worth to lose any of these things.

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