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Located in Central Europe, east of Germany, Poland is a land of intriguing traditions, superstitions, and legends. Its people have always combined religion and family closeness at Christmas time. Gift giving plays only a minor role in the rituals, emphasis being placed instead on making special foods and decorations.
On Christmas Eve, so important is the first star of the night that it has been given the affectionate name of "little star" or Gwiazdka, in remembrance of the Star of Bethlehem. On that night, all watch the sky anxiously, hoping to be the first to cry out, "The star!" The moment the star appears, everyone exchanges greetings and good wishes. Families unite for the most carefully planned meal of the year, Wigilia, the Christmas supper. The Wigilia derives its name from the Latin word vigilare which means to watch or keep vigil.
According to tradition, bits of hay have been spread beneath the table cloth as a reminder that Christ was born in a manger. An even number of people must be seated around the table or tradition states someone may die in the coming year.
Wigilia is a family feast and it's considered back luck to entertain a guest on this sacred night. In some places an empty place setting is left at the table for the Infant Jesus.
Traditionally, there is no meat served during Wigilia. Still, the meal is plentiful and luxurious. It begins with the breaking of the Oplatek, a semi-transparent wafer of unleavened dough, stamped with scenes of the nativity. Everyone at the table breaks off a piece and eats it as a symbol of their unity with Christ. Custom prescribes that the number of dishes in the meal be odd, nine or eleven. An even number would eliminate any hope of an increase in wealth, children or anything desirable.
Though the dishes vary between regions, certain items are found almost everywhere. Poppy seed cake, beet soup, prune dumplings and noodles with poppy seed are universally Polish. Often there is a compote of twelve fruits in honor of the Apostles.
After supper, family and guests stay at the table until, at a signal from the host, they all rise in unison and leave. This is the result of an old superstition that the first to rise will die before the next Christmas Eve.
The remainder of the evening is given to stories and songs around the Christmas tree. It is decorated with nuts, apples and ornaments made from eggshells, colored paper, straw, and hand blown glass baubles. In areas of the country, children are taught that "The Little Star" brings the gifts. As presents are wrapped, carolers may walk from house to house, receiving treats along the way. Midnight finds many families Pasterka, the Shepherd's Mass.
In the days leading up to Christmas, Szopka creche competitions are held in Crakow's Market Square. The elaborate and colorful Szopka are constructed to resemble the local architecture and they take hundreds of hours and great patience to complete. It's considered a great honor to be selected for the first prize.
After the competition they can be seen on display in the cathedrals and churches throughout the area.

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