
Opis zycia w XIXw. oraz wywiad z osoą która w nim żyla i zaslużyla się czymś wielkim dla ludzkości.

poleca 87% 102 głosów


Lumiere Brothers

Life in the end of XIX century wasn’t hard. People were inventing new things, technology went way up. Many factories were built so many people had a job. Any inventions were created. One of them was crated by two genious brothers called- Lumiere Brothers. The whole world was owned by their invention- the cinema. Thanks to them we can now go and watch some comedy or other movies on the wide screen. In my opinion- the cinema was one of the biggest, most spectacular and the most brilliant idea in all time.

A: HI, can I ask you some questions?
B: Yeah, sure.
A: Ok, first of all I want to thank you for ability to watch movies on wide screen.
B: No problem at all.
A: When the first movie was played, the people was shocked, do you feel happy that the crowd was very suprized by your work?
B: Yes, we are very happy, and suprized as well. We didn’t expect to see crowd shocked like that. It was pretty nice experience.
A: How many movies was made by you guys so far?
B: So far? Six I guess, but three will be you more- we are planning to make something really outstanding this summer.
A: Oh, so I see you guys aren’t very lazy huh?
B: Yeah, we can’t very lazy as movie markers.
A: I’ve run out of questions, sorry but thanks for this nice interviev.
B: Oh, and you’re saying that we are lazy? than very much, it was a nice chat.

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